September 29, 2023 12:49

UNICOM/ENDE TRANSMISIÓN: PRESIDENT ARCE OPENS THE FIRST TRANSMISSION LINE IN COCHABAMBA ELECTRIC IN 500 KV 13 SEP 2023 UCOM-MHE-EDE-13-09-2023.- within the framework of the Cochabamba ephemeris, and with a Investment greater than one billion Bolivians, President Luis Arce Catacora marked a milestone Historical for the development of the Bolivian electricity sector, when inaugurating the transmission […]


13 SEP 2023 UCOM-MHE-EDE-13-09-2023.- within the framework of the Cochabamba ephemeris, and with a Investment greater than one billion Bolivians, President Luis Arce Catacora marked a milestone Historical for the development of the Bolivian electricity sector, when inaugurating the transmission line Carrasco – Santivañez;the first in 500 kV (kilowol) of the country, which puts Bolivia at the level of the Electric sector of the neighboring countries of the continent.


This work will strengthen electric transmission in the central and eastern section of the system National Interconnected (SIN), allowing to transport the power of generation plants Hydroelectric, solar and wind that have different random availability levels. Likewise, it will supply national demand and the export market through a system of robust transmission, with a transport capacity of a network operated in larger tensions at 230 kV.

It should be noted that the design, engineering and construction of the line were totally made by Bolivian professionals of Ende Transmission and the contractor companies in charge of the work, demonstrating a high level of training and experience for the execution of foundations, assembly, laying of the cables and the optical cable of earth (OPGW).

The Carrasco – Santivañez transmission line is located in the municipalities of Entre Ríos and Santivañez, from the Carrasco and Capinota provinces respectively;It has a length of 235.65 km and A simple list configuration with four conductors per phase, separated at 1.1 meters.His commercial operation will benefit the entire Bolivian population, strengthening the electric transmission in the Santivañez – Carrasco corridor, whose availability often Be affected because of heavy rains and/or overflows of the river in the area.

This new infrastructure has two defined sections, the first with an altitude less than 1,000 M.S.N.M.(meters above sea level) begins in the Carrasco substation, and the second with a altitude between 1,000 to 4,100 m.s.n.m.Connect the line with the Santivañez II substation.

It should be noted that the design, engineering and construction of the line is properly 100% BolivianThe substations were built in “hand key”.This demonstrates the high Level of Bolivian professionals, as well as the contractor companies that carried out the Foundations, assembly and lying of the cables and the OPGW.

Santivañez houses the industrial park of the same name, which is also the largest in Cochabamba; So the implementation of this transmission line will grant the necessary solidity to the industries located in the place and those new ventures that anticipate settle in this region, contributing to consolidate the industrialization government headed by the President Luis Arce Catacora.