June 6, 2024 08:00

EL MUNDO: Ende advances with the second line of electric transmission The National Electricity Company (Ende Corporation) faces the construction of the “Transmission line in 500 kilovolts (KV) Carrasco – the associated gaps”, being The second line of electric transmission in extra high voltage of Bolivia, which to date reports a breakthrough 77% and will […]

EL MUNDO: Ende advances with the second line of electric transmission
The National Electricity Company (Ende Corporation) faces the construction of the “Transmission line in 500 kilovolts (KV) Carrasco – the associated gaps”, being The second line of electric transmission in extra high voltage of Bolivia, which to date reports a breakthrough 77% and will strengthen the electricity supply in the departments of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, in addition to provide the necessary electricity transport capacity to market, in the future, electricity To the neighboring country of Brazil.