November 1, 2021 08:10

EL ANDALUZ: Bermejo gives Setar a deadline to report on financing for an electrical substation The president of the Civic Committee of Bermejo, Roxana Farfán told El Andaluz that the institutions decided to give a deadline to the authorities of Electric Services of Tarija (Setar) of Tarija and the Bermejo regional authority to send specific […]

EL ANDALUZ: Bermejo gives Setar a deadline to report on financing for an electrical substation
The president of the Civic Committee of Bermejo, Roxana Farfán told El Andaluz that the institutions decided to give a deadline to the authorities of Electric Services of Tarija (Setar) of Tarija and the Bermejo regional authority to send specific information about the resources as a counterpart. of the Departmental Government for the interconnected project of Bermejo to the National Interconnected System (SIN), for the supply of electricity. (…) Farfán said for the Tarija News that the National Electricity Company (ENDE) presents 40 percent progress in the works to interconnect Bermejo to the SIN, on the contrary Setar has only an advance of 3 percent .