November 3, 2021 08:00

EL PERIÓDICO: Assemblyman Lema refutes Deputy Burgos about ENDE investments in other regions (elPeriódico-October, 21/2021) In contact with the morning newspaper “El Periódico”, the president of the Energy and Hydrocarbons Commission of the Departmental Assembly, Luis Lema Molina, referred to the statements of the deputy and former mayor of Bermejo, Delfor Burgos, who justified the […]

EL PERIÓDICO: Assemblyman Lema refutes Deputy Burgos about ENDE investments in other regions
(elPeriódico-October, 21/2021) In contact with the morning newspaper “El Periódico”, the president of the Energy and Hydrocarbons Commission of the Departmental Assembly, Luis Lema Molina, referred to the statements of the deputy and former mayor of Bermejo, Delfor Burgos, who justified the investment made by the National Electricity Company (ENDE), which is financing almost entirely the integration of Monteagudo to the National Interconnected System (SIN), arguing that the state company is responsible for the distribution of electricity.