January 10, 2022 08:00

EL DEBER: In Quote Mercosur, Bolivia persists in plan to export electric power to five countries With Argentina, the electric interconnection project of 132 is built KILOVATIOS (KV), which covers between the Yaguacua substation and the Tartagal, to export 120 megawatts (MW).Bolivia has in his plans export electric power to Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Peru, […]

EL DEBER: In Quote Mercosur, Bolivia persists in plan to export electric power to five countries
With Argentina, the electric interconnection project of 132 is built KILOVATIOS (KV), which covers between the Yaguacua substation and the Tartagal, to export 120 megawatts (MW).Bolivia has in his plans export electric power to Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Peru, apart from Consolidate the sale to Argentina, according to the report of the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energies.Your goal is Make a reality of regional energy integration with the five countries in the immediate future.