January 31, 2022 08:00

VICEMINISTERIO DE COMUNICACIÓN: National Government faces several projects Interconnection stops Export Electricity to neighboring countries (La Paz, January 25, Vice Ministry of Communication) .- The Minister of Hydrocarbons and energies, Franklin Molina Ortiz, affirmed that the national government faces several electrical interconnection projects with the Objective to export electricity to neighboring countries such as Argentina, […]

VICEMINISTERIO DE COMUNICACIÓN: National Government faces several projects Interconnection stops Export Electricity to neighboring countries
(La Paz, January 25, Vice Ministry of Communication) .- The Minister of Hydrocarbons and energies, Franklin Molina Ortiz, affirmed that the national government faces several electrical interconnection projects with the Objective to export electricity to neighboring countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru and consolidate the Regional energy integration.The Government Authority detailed that they work on the Juana project Azurduy of Padilla 132 kilovolt (KV) Bolivia – Argentina;With Brazil it was agreed to develop studies for Take advantage of the binational hydroelectric potential on the River Wood and tributaries.