December 12, 2022 14:18

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORACIÓN: SINS TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS MAGNITUDE UNICOM ENDE, 11/28/2022.- Encou Corporation showed the strength of its transmission system and remained in evidence the robustness of the Bolivian electrical system, which had no problem to cover the Population energy demand, after a fire occurred on Saturday, November 26 in the vicinity of the El Dorado substation, […]


UNICOM ENDE, 11/28/2022.- Encou Corporation showed the strength of its transmission system and remained in evidence the robustness of the Bolivian electrical system, which had no problem to cover the Population energy demand, after a fire occurred on Saturday, November 26 in the vicinity of the El Dorado substation, which led to the opening of the transmission line the Gaps – El Dorado, which feeds the El Dorado wind farm located in the municipality of Cabezas, of the Department of Santa Cruz.


“Fortunately and thanks to the robustness of the transmission system this event did not cause greater disturbance and once the fire was controlled, the service of this Sunday, November 27, “said the General Manager of ENDE Transmisión, Filiberto Soto.

The authority explained that the fire occurred on Saturday afternoon, November 26 until the early Sunday, November 27, “ENDE Transmisión staff performed tasks to restore to the service that feeds the El Dorado wind farm. ”

Currently, work is continued to normalize the operation of the 15 wind turbines that They make up the El Dorado wind farm and contribute to the National Interconnected System 54 MW.

Debido a los daños ocasionados por la interrupción del servicio, ENDE acudirá a instancias legales para dilucidar las causas de este incendio, e identificar si existen responsables directos involucrados que deban resarcir los mismos.