UNICOM ENDE, 30/01/2023.- Various Municipalities and Rural communities of Beni Yay
Museun a review improvement in the quality of the electrical power supply, only two months of
The official inauguration of the Project “The Line of Transmission of the Troncos – Guarayos – Paraíto – Parana
Trinity 230 KV”.
This work, which uses electricity generated by renewable sources of the interconnected system
National (SIN), allowed to replace diesel generation in isolated systems of
Bella Vista communities, Obobayaya, Exaltación and El Carmen, in Iténez province, guaranteeing the
Uninterrupted supply of electricity 24 hours thanks to the electricity of the system
National Interconnected (SIN).
Similarly, unchanged cuts were reduced by 95% in these regions from the
operation of this project.
It also increased the capacity of electric transmission to meet the growing demand in the
municipalities of Yucumo, Rurrenabaque, San Borja, San Ignacio de Moxos and Trinidad reinforcing the
reliability of the electricity supply.The municipalities of San Buenaventura (La Paz) and Guarayos
(Santa Cruz) also benefited from the inauguration of this project, which closes the ring
energy in Beni.
The benian regions mentioned above now have the powerful ability of SIN
meet new electrical demands.Interconnection to SIN opens the National Company of
Electricity (ENDE) to plan new electric extension projects in the department and
enables the development of new commercial ventures of the local population, which
Promotes economic reactivation.