May 15, 2023 08:00

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORACIÓN: Tarija benefits with electrical energy from the interconnected system National from the 2013 management UNICOM / ENDE, 19-04-2023.- The National Electricity Company has executed different projects for that the department of Tarija has electricity from the interconnected system National (SIN), leaving aside the supply by isolated systems. The year 2013, the first interconnection […]

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORACIÓN: Tarija benefits with electrical energy from the interconnected system National from the 2013 management

UNICOM / ENDE, 19-04-2023.- The National Electricity Company has executed different projects for that the department of Tarija has electricity from the interconnected system National (SIN), leaving aside the supply by isolated systems.


The year 2013, the first interconnection project called “Line 230 KV Punutuma – Races – Tarija ”, allowing Tarija for the first time with electricity from the system National interconnected.

The project included the construction of a high voltage line of more than 255 kilometers in 230 Kilovoltios (KV).On the occasion, the new substation was built the races (located in the Bridge, border between the departments of Chuquisaca and Tarija) and the Tarija substation (located in the Monte Sud zone).This project allowed the connection of the Electric System isolated from Tarija to the National Interconnected System (SIN), enabling the improvement of supply conditions electric for the economic development of the region.

2015, the “Line 230 KV Chaco – Tarija” project concluded, with an approximate length of 138 kilometers in 230 kilovolts, which allowed the injection of the energy generated in the plant South thermoelectric plant to the national interconnected system, allowing a significant improvement in the Attention to the demand for electricity throughout the country.

In the 2022 management, the projects “line 115 kv tarija – La Angostura” and “line 115 kV Angostura – Bermejo ”, the latter allowed the municipality of Bermejo to have energy from energy of the SIN, before the constant request of the population that demanded an electricity supply without interruptions and quality.In addition, the construction of the 115 kV tarija line – Future Angostura will allow Tarija have electricity generated by the “La Ventolera” wind project.For this work They built more than 182 kilometers of high voltage lines and two modern substations.

All these projects allowed, thanks to the investment of the National Government, the Department of Tarija has a robust high voltage electricity, quality, reliability and energy from renewable generation sources such as solar, wind and hydroelectric.