July 11, 2023 08:00

LA VOZ DE TARIJA: Construction of the Bolivia Electric Interconnection Line – Argentina demanded an investment of Bs 365.3 million The construction of the Bolivia – Argentina interconnection line “Juana Azurduy of 132 kilowol pad (KV) ”, for the export of electricity to the neighboring market, demanded a Investment of Bs 365.3 million, reported the […]

LA VOZ DE TARIJA: Construction of the Bolivia Electric Interconnection Line – Argentina demanded an investment of Bs 365.3 million
The construction of the Bolivia – Argentina interconnection line “Juana Azurduy of 132 kilowol pad (KV) ”, for the export of electricity to the neighboring market, demanded a Investment of Bs 365.3 million, reported the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energies, Franklin Molina.