June 6, 2024 08:00

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORACION: Ende sponsored the Bolivia 2023 solar rally that was carried out Successfully in La Llajta UNICOM ENDE 10-31-2023.- With Llajta as the headquarters, the first version of the “Solar Rally Bolivia 2023” was successfully developed, an event that measured the capacity of Bolivian students to design and build electric and hybrid vehicles. The […]

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORACION: Ende sponsored the Bolivia 2023 solar rally that was carried out Successfully in La Llajta

UNICOM ENDE 10-31-2023.- With Llajta as the headquarters, the first version of the “Solar Rally Bolivia 2023” was successfully developed, an event that measured the capacity of Bolivian students to design and build electric and hybrid vehicles. The main sponsor of the competition was the National Electricity Company (ENDE Corporación), which promotes the incursion of future professionals into engineering topics applicable to electromobility.


This rally had the participation, in its final stage, of the teams of the Catholic University Bolivian – UCB (La Paz headquarters), Bolivian Private University – UPB (Cochabamba and La Paz), Public University of El Alto – UPEA and Military School of Engineering – EMI (La Paz Headquarters).The participating teams made the design and construction of their electrical mobility from the Management 2022, prior to the competition, carried out static and dynamic vehicle tests finished.NG and TRAINING.

The central event took place in the Cochabambinos valleys, where a caravan of vehicles Electric accompanied hybrid and electric cars built by university students;beyond of speed competition among the teams, the main objective was to demonstrate the functionality and travel capacity assembled by young students.The tour had As one of the main scenarios to the Qollpana wind farm, one of the generation plants of more important renewable energy in our country.

The “Bolivia 2023 solar rally” had as winners the UPB Cochabamba headquarters in the category “Innovation”, the prototype presented by this university toured 144 kilometers.In the category “Hybrid” The UPB Headquarters La Paz, took first place with a total of 146 kilometers traveled.

Ende Corporation sponsored this event in order to promote research and development of Environmental friendly technologies in the field of urban mobility.The sponsorship too It is part of the “Youth Year”, initiative promoted by the National Government, which seeks Promote youth activities where knowledge and practice are developed in science areas and technology.

Ende Corporation will continue to support initiatives that promote the development of technology in renewable energies, with special attention to the transition towards electromobility.The state Electric currently manages 11 load stations for electric vehicles nationwide and Plan more projects that accelerate the passage of Bolivia towards the era of vehicles with engines 100% electric.mente administra 11 estaciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos a nivel nacional y planifica más proyectos que aceleren el paso de Bolivia hacia la era de los vehículos con motores 100% eléctricos.