January 4, 2024 08:00

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORATION: ENDE opens the first high and extra line maintenance school High voltage of Bolivia UNICOM ENDE 10-30-2023.- In order to specialize Bolivian professionals in tasks of electric transmission, the National Electricity Company (Ende Corporation), through its Electric Power Transporter Company, has created the first school of Maintenance of high and extra tension lines […]

UNICOM/ENDE CORPORATION: ENDE opens the first high and extra line maintenance school High voltage of Bolivia

UNICOM ENDE 10-30-2023.- In order to specialize Bolivian professionals in tasks of electric transmission, the National Electricity Company (Ende Corporation), through its Electric Power Transporter Company, has created the first school of Maintenance of high and extra tension lines of the country.


This training unit is initially born to strengthen the knowledge of the state personnel electric, with ambition to become, a future, a national reference for specialization in This item.The objective of the school, which was established in Cochabamba, is to establish a space of continuous training for workers, promoting permanent improvement, based on Update and improvement of skills and competences, through training processes, Training and training.

Among the tasks associated with this item, work is high in high towers and Extra high voltage, replacement of conductors, insulators, live online maintenance, among others. The need to create the training school lies in the certification of personnel as “Liniero”, because in Bolivia there is no institution that is occupied with forming and certifying Specialized personnel in the maintenance of transmission lines.

A part of Ende’s staff is the result of the practical experience at work and empirically, so it is necessary to have a specialized center for continuous training in this field. For the execution of the practices, five openings have been implemented with structures in 230 and 500 Kilovolts (KV), with quadruple and double beam conductors, in six real -size structures Double Terna and simple horizontal disposal, in the Santiváñez substation of the department of Cochabamba.

Ende Corporation, through your company Ende Transmission, operates more than 90% of the lines of Transmission of the National Interconnected System (SIN), which includes more than 7,000 kilometers of The National Electricity Company guarantees the transport of energy in high and extra high voltage within the national territory, with 100% of Bolivian personnel, who specializes their knowledge More and more, in favor of strengthening the electrical system. La Empresa Nacional de Electricidad garantiza el transporte de energía en alta y extra alta tensión dentro del territorio nacional, con un 100% de personal boliviano, que especializa sus conocimientos cada vez más, en favor del fortalecimiento del sistema eléctrico.