October 21, 2021 18:45

RIGHT OF WAY AND ELECTRICAL SAFETY DISTANCES ON HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINES 331 / 5000 Translation results Safety distances and rights of way are included in what is called “SERVIDUMBRE”. The easement of power lines is the right granted by the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the licensee to build and install transmission lines and […]


331 / 5000 Translation results Safety distances and rights of way are included in what is called “SERVIDUMBRE”. The easement of power lines is the right granted by the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the licensee to build and install transmission lines and access them for their control and maintenance.

Each line has a particular right of way, established by an express resolution of the regulatory body, in this case the Bolivian Electricity and Nuclear Technology Authority (AETN).

In that sense, as established by the Bolivian Electricity and Nuclear Technology Authority through Resolution AE 409/2019, it details the following:

“By virtue of said easements, the owners and users of the servant estates, cannot carry out works, constructions or works of any nature within the Security Belt (Right of Way), which disturb, damage or endanger the transport service of electricity in the country. Unless it is at your own risk, as long as they respect the minimum safety distances to the electrical conductors of the transmission lines and other restrictions that are regulated in resolution AE 409/2019, which is mandatory ”.

Right of way: Also called a security strip, it is an area defined along the entire line and delimited by a horizontal distance distributed in equal parts from the axis of the line to both ends. This is calculated based on factors considering the possible buckling of the conductor by wind, the technical characteristics of the line, the topography and the vegetation cover.

In the case of these transmission lines, the width of the right-of-way (or security strip) depends on the voltage level, as can be seen below:

69 kV 115kV 230kV 500kV
23-31 (m) 31 (m) 38 – 61 (m) 61 – 92 (m)

Safety Distances: Safety distances are the minimum distances that must be maintained in the air between energized parts (conductors) and physical elements in their immediate vicinity (roads, buildings, houses, trees, land, etc.) in order to avoid accidental contacts and thus guaranteeing the safety of people. The safety distances are vertical and horizontal, which are established in Resolution AE No. 409/2019.


ENDE TRANSMISIÓN S.A. In compliance with Resolution AE 409/2019, it carries out preventive and corrective maintenance activities on high voltage lines in order to prevent personal accidents and guarantee the safety of the population.

The maintenance activities carried out include line inspections, measurements of horizontal and vertical distances in case of detecting any irregularity, the repair of conductors or another component of the line, cutting of dangerous vegetation and the construction of variants.

Line inspections are carried out in order to detect buildings, roads, constructions or vegetation that may represent a risk of contact with energized parts of the line and that may represent a substantial risk to the population.

Within the operational controls within the Right of Way, the following can be highlighted:

  • Prohibition of the use of explosives, in which it is controlled that third parties do not carry out blasting
  • Prohibition of burning of any type of material, in which it is verified during inspections that third parties do not burn of any kind.
  • Prohibition of construction of buildings that exceed the safety distances established in Resolution AE N ° 409/2019.
  • Prohibition of operational activities of third parties that do not respect the safety distances within the right of way and established in Resolution AE No. 409/2019
  • Control of the growth of tall species vegetation, to prevent accidental contact with an energized component of the line.

Also, under a criterion of prevention of accidents that may arise in one or more fatalities, through the Occupational Health and Safety area, the workshop on “SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTIONS WITH PROXIMITY TO ENERGIZED HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL LINES” has been developed, in which the dissemination of the Right of Way and Safety Distances was made to different Municipal Governments and companies in the telecommunications sector, in order to create a close bond with third parties and public order institutions, so that controls are more efficient and thus restrict the authorizations of irregular constructions and the expansion of urban areas within the right of way of high voltage lines.