SPVPT SYSTEM (SOFTWARE FOR VALUATION OF TRANSMISSION PROJECTS) ENDE TRANSMISIÓN has hired the consulting firm HMV Ingenieros – Colombia to carry out the update of the study of “Methodology for the determination of reference costs for transmission facilities”, known as SYNEX 2007, as a product of this consultancy the SPVPT Software has been developed (Software […]
ENDE TRANSMISIÓN has hired the consulting firm HMV Ingenieros – Colombia to carry out the update of the study of “Methodology for the determination of reference costs for transmission facilities”, known as SYNEX 2007, as a product of this consultancy the SPVPT Software has been developed (Software for the Evaluation of Transmission Projects).
In this management ENDE TRANSMISIÓN S.A. (ETR) through the Planning Management on June 11, 2021 signed with the ELECTRICITY AND NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (AETN) an inter-institutional agreement for the use of the SPVPT System so that this Authority and the Transmitting Agents can use the SPVPT program as a tool for determining the reference costs of transmission components. This program allows the Transferring Agent and the Regulatory Entity to have a tool with technical and economic information, indexing factors, updating unit values, etc. for transmission lines, power transformers and autotransformers, capacitor bank, reactor bank, neutral reactors and the respective bays in voltage levels in 69, 115, 230 and 500 kV, types of conductors, bundles of conductors, gas insulation and air.
The SPVPT system for the evaluation of Substations considers; Building Units (UUCC) and other Building Units (Common Modules :), they are described below.
- Substation Construction Unit (UUCC), Set of maneuvering facilities (bays), busbar extensions (busbar module), major substation equipment (Bank of; Transformers, Reactors, Capacitors).
- Other Construction Units (Common Modules), Construction unit that includes all the costs that are common to a substation: common civil module, buildings, common electrical module, special electrical studies, control and protection boards, compensation, auxiliary services and communications.
The SPVPT system for the evaluation of transmission lines considers 18 variable construction units at voltage levels of 69, 115, 230 and 500 kV: overhead lines, communications (fiber optic) and underground lines.
On July 22, 2021, the SPVPT System (Transmission Project Assessment Software) has been approved for use by the ELECTRICITY AND NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (AETN) through resolution AETN No. 398/2021.