February 6, 2023 08:00

UNICOM/ENDE TRANSMISIÓN: ENDE TRANSMISIÓN REPLACES DAMAGED INSULATORS ONLINE 230 KV YAGUACUA – TARIJA Ende transmission, a subsidiary of Ende Corporation, as part of annual maintenance activities Preventive in the department of Tarija, made the replacement of broken insulators and burned in Different high voltage structures of the Yaguacua Line – Tarija 230 KV Terna 1 […]


Ende transmission, a subsidiary of Ende Corporation, as part of annual maintenance activities Preventive in the department of Tarija, made the replacement of broken insulators and burned in Different high voltage structures of the Yaguacua Line – Tarija 230 KV Terna 1 and Terna 2.


In a coordinated manner, “Ende Transmission staff, in order to guarantee continuity of the electric power supply scheduled the work of change of insulators in the month of December Through the ‘Distance Method in Live Line’ as well as with the ‘Online Change Method Deviled with scheduled cut ’, which are carried out according to a previous evaluation of the type of Structure and accessibility of the land, ”said the company’s general manager, Ing. Filiberto Soto Holm oaks.

Within annual maintenance planning are contemplated inspection work with ascent to high voltage structures that could present components with some breakage or damage that They could produce some future failure.Among them is the change of insulator chains, which allows the normal operation of the transmission lines and prevents interruptions in the supply of electric power.

theWorksAreContinuouslyComplementedByTheDifferentInspectionsOfRoutine,MonitoringAndPreventiveMaintenance.“theUnfavorableConditionsDoNotSlowTheEffortsAndTheDecisionOfComplyWithTheObjectivesOfTheCompanyThatAreTheContinuityOfTheElectricServiceForTheDepartmentOfBeni, ”saidSoto

“The inspection works also contemplate the verification of possible approaches that are present in the communities.To do this, the technical personnel who access the place are responsible for verifying through instruments and tools that are complied with the security distances required by law ”, The manager added.

In this way, all maintenance activities manage to prevent unexpected cuts and allow Correct function of the transmission network.